Other projects that were accomplished on Saturday: Jack Jones and Gary Watts are in the process of repairing the bathroom at Alpine and installing a shut-off valve so we won't break pipes again in the winter: A BIG job! Thanks guys. Steve Rose made heroic in-roads on weeding the perennial bed. It still needs some more work. In fact, it could really use a person to take over the managing of it. If you're a flower gardener in need of a bed to take care of, let us know.
Steve also brought 51 tomatoes that he started from seed. George Wisner planted them into the Alpine beds prepared earlier in the week by our new friend David Urbach. Gary Weems weed-wacked the park's periphery. Llyn scalped the grass away from the tree-trunks of our fruit orchard and gave the trees a heavy mulching.
In spite of the wet spring, our weekly volunteer program has been blossoming beautifully. We have a core group of about seven of us showing up regularly and another half-dozen who've expressed interest in joining in. Our regular volunteer hours are posted at the top, right corner of our site and, if you send us your email address we can add you to the list to let you know of special work-parties where we need a larger crew. Just send a note to us at: AlpineCoGarden@gmail.com to be added to the list.
We still have dozens of potted raspberries on the picnic table behind the pavilion. Help yourself! Please bring back the gallon pots when you're done transplanting so we can use them again.
Here are more pictures of volunteers sharing in the fun! Rann Millar tying up the bamboo trellis for pole-beans.
Evelyn Lee weeding the garlic patch.
Llyn Peabody and Doreen Millar gathering grass clippings for mulch.
For more pictures of garden beauty and smiling volunteers, just go to our site:"Sharing Gardens"
Wow! Nice work! And the effort put into your website, is reflective of the spirit of your garden.....
ReplyDeleteas a suggestion for future thought, could you include a few recipes from your gardeners on the website too?
Hello, thank you for your suggestion. We have one recipe posted already (see post of March 16, 2010 --Dried Tomato Pesto - Recipe). You can search the blog using keyword "recipe". We welcome reader's suggestions for other recipes - especially if they use locally grown ingredients. Llyn and Chris