Our new and improved site

(with the same content as this one, AND MORE!) is

www.The SharingGardens.blogspot.com/

Wish List

Wish List updated March 17, 2013

2010 hay donation - Gene Boshart.
One of the goals of the "Sharing Gardens" project is to demonstrate how materials that might otherwise be headed for the burn-pile or landfill can be "re-purposed" and find new life serving those in need in our community (we call it re-usery!). We also appreciate your cash donations. All donations are tax-deductible - ask us for a receipt. Contact info below.

In the spring, our most pressing need is for hay and straw donations. We practice a deep-mulch method of gardening and use many tons of hay/straw on our garden paths. Spoiled is OK, as long as it's not super-wet. We don't have the means to pick it up but can reimburse you for time/gas if you deliver. Tax receipt also available.

We need a local mechanic who knows older engines really well. We can pay for your services.

Some of our needs are on-going. See list below.  
Bring all donations to the Monroe site.
648 Orchard Rd.
Monroe, 97456 - Behind the big, white Methodist Church 
  • Lawn clippings: We have lots of lawn/leaf bags for you to re-use. Just come by when we're there and we'll give you some. Please don't tie bags too tight (makes it hard to re-use them).
  • Steer, llama, rabbit, chicken, sheep manure - delivered, please. (No horse manure unless it's very composted.)
  • Metal watering can
  • Bird bath 
  • Riding lawn mower with bagger - running, please!
  • Old cedar fence boards - we use them to build bird houses and compost bins (among other things).
  • Mud boots: some of our volunteers are low-income and can't afford mud boots. We will keep them on-hand for use in the garden. All sizes welcome. 
  • Canning jars - all sizes
  • Food-grade, 50-gallon plastic barrels (preferable) or metal drums.
  • Plastic tubs, 5-gallon buckets, kitty-litter tubs, etc. (please no broken ones)
  • Field fencing: the stiff kind, so we can build tomato cages.
  • Cash donations are always appreciated
Last but not least, our biggest wish of all is for a piece of land, with a farmhouse and a few out-buildings; a permanent home for the Sharing Gardens coordinators; a place to plant orchards; a place for an outdoor, rural arts school and a common-ground gathering place dedicated to the cultivation of generosity.
All Donations are Tax-deductible - ask us for a receipt.

       To contact us, please call or email:
       (541) 847-8797 (call from 8:00 am to 1:00 pm and 3:00 pm to 8:00 pm)

Cash donations - make checks out to the "Sharing Gardens"  and mail to 
        Sharing Gardens
        PO Box 11
        Monroe, OR 97456

Or use your credit card to make a donation through PayPal (click the button below).

Your donations help us feed people.