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(with the same content as this one, AND MORE!) is

www.The SharingGardens.blogspot.com/

Monday, July 13, 2009

Sharing the Harvest

If you have surplus garden produce, or other contributions you'd like to make to the Monroe Food Bank, and you can't deliver them yourself, please bring them to the Alpine Park this Thursday before 4:00 pm. If we're not in the garden, just leave them on the picnic table under the picnic pavilion, in plastic bags. We'll make sure they get to the people who need them. (You can also take food donations directly to the Monroe Food Bank, in the garage behind the Methodist Church on Orchard St. This Thursday it's from 5;00 - 7:00 pm) Llyn and Chris

Last week we took our first harvest down to the food-bank. We want to thank Evelyn Lee for sharing potatoes, peas and cukes from her garden too. People were so excited when they saw us coming and flocked around us to pick from our boxes of produce. Thank you to everyone who has contributed time, money or materials to the garden. It's working! Below, is last week's harvest.

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